MOTN will be attending OCEANS ’15 in Washington, D.C., which takes place from Oct.19th-22nd. This premier North American conference and exhibition focuses on advances in marine technology, science, education and policy sponsored by the Marine Technology Society and the IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society.
Every autumn, the Marine Technology Society and the IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society sponsor OCEANS, a prestigious conference/exhibition that draws an international audience of more than 2,000 attendees to focus on:
Over 500 professionally reviewed technical papers, including sessions focused on local themes.
- Plenary sessions with leaders from industry, academia, the military and government.
- 150-200 exhibitors showcasing the latest innovations in products and services.
- A student poster session featuring outstanding projects from around the world and other student activities.
- Tutorials, workshops, demonstrations, government listening sessions, social/networking opportunities, professional field trips…
- and much, much more!
Please let us know at (if you haven’t already) if you or a representative from your company will be in attendance so we can connect.