50 Milk St 20th floor
Boston, MA 02110
On April 30th, SeaAhead will host an intimate all-day gathering, bringing together 40 key leaders from across the global maritime industry at our headquarters at CIC in Boston. These attendees — hailing from some of the largest shipping, port, and offshore wind companies in the world — will meet to discuss how their pressing issues can be addressed by venture innovation.
As part of this event, we will be joining with Venture Café to open up to a larger audience from 5:30-7:30pm for an engaging session with some of the brightest minds in Boston’s tech community — including flash talks from innovative new companies as well as reverse pitches from major maritime players.
Click here to join us and our guests for drinks, pitches and bluetech innovation.
Early-stage and growth-stage companies relevant to shipping, ports and offshore wind that would like to present as part of this showcase can click here to submit their information for consideration.
We also still have a few remaining sponsorship opportunities for this event. If you are interested in learning more about sponsoring click here to email Alissa for more information.
Hope to see you there!