Sredniy Prospekt V.o.
76, Sankt-Peterburg, Russia
May 13-17, 2019 (Schedule varies by day.)
Saint-Petersburg, Russia
About GeoHab
The GeoHab 2019 annual conference will be held in St. Petersburg, A.P.Karpinsky Russian Geological Research Institute from Monday May 13 to Friday May 17, 2019, the working language of the conference is English.
Join the GeoHab Community linking geology and biology!
GEOHAB (Marine Geological and Biological Habitat Mapping) is an international association of marine scientists studying geological, biological, and physical oceanographic processes as indicators of benthic habitats and ecosystems and used as proxies for biological communities and species diversity (
The annual conference brings geologists, biologists, acousticians, statisticians, spatial analysts and environmental managers from around the world and provides a truly multidisciplinary forum for the exchange of knowledge and ideas that underpin sustainable ocean management and mapping (
GeoHab is now in its 18th year and has several publications (see list at based on work contributed by members, coordinated through annual meetings.
Welcome to St. Petersburg – the second largest city of Russia (in size and population), located on the coast of the easternmost part of the Baltic Sea (the Gulf of Finland)!
St. Petersburg links land and water. There are 40 rivers and channels or waterways (and 580 bridges (including 20 pivot bridges). Since its foundation by Peter the Great in 1703, Saint Petersburg has been the marine capital of Russia.
St. Petersburg is a city of extensive history and great culture. For more than 300 years it has linked Russia and Europe, East and West. In St. Petersburg you can visit 221 museums, 2000 libraries, more than 80 theatres, 100 concert halls, 45 galleries and exhibition halls, and 62 cinemas. Every year about 100 festivals and musical contests take place in this spectacular city.
In Saint Petersburg there are 329 scientific Institutes of the Russian Academy of Science (RAS), 190 scientific Organizations, 12 scientific Centers, and 78 Universities and Higher Educational Institutions (e.g. St. Petersburg State University, Zoological Institute of RAS, Russian State Hydrometeorological University, St.Petersburg State Marine Technical University, VNIIOkeangeologia, St. Petersburg Branch of P.P.Shirshov Institute of Oceanology).
GeoHab 2019 will be hosted by A. P. Karpinsky Russian Geological Research Institute (VSEGEI) – Russia’s leading national geological organization. The institute has inherited both the purpose-built historic mansion and the best traditions of Russia’s Geological Committee that was founded as an equivalent to the geological survey in 1882 ( The primary focus of VSEGEI activity is geological mapping. At present the institute’s research focuses on stratigraphy, lithology, petrology, metallogeny, and regional geophysics, which covers virtually the whole of Northern Eurasia. VSEGEI actively participates in many international projects.
GeoHab conferences are organized as an informal, single-stream session, which encourages dialogue between delegates and exhibitors. Additional poster presentations remain on display for the duration of the meeting. The conference poster room houses an exhibition of industry technology and products used in the marine environmental community.
Students are encouraged to attend and grants are available.