On March 21st, MOTN members and affiliates were honored to receive U.S. Ambassador to Iceland, Robert Barker, along with key Icelandic and other marine technology industry representatives who were in Boston to attend International Seafood Show. The event to place at the Daily Catch in Boston’s Seaport District
The Reception:
The reception was very well-received by all in attendance.
Much of the evening was spent in impromptu conversations focusing on networking MOTN member companies with Icelandic marine technology industries and developing mutual opportunities from these connections.

- which Icelandic companies have mature, proven products
- existing markets elsewhere
- and the savvy to present a cogent business plan to MOTN member companies.
Ambassador Barker and his staff pledged their support to facilitate contacts and cooperation between both our countries’ ocean industries.
Among the Icelandic representatives present were
- Thor Sigfusson (CEO of the Iceland Ocean Cluster),
- Ari Jonnson, Rektor (President of Reykjavik University)
- and students from the University that won a business competition that sponsored them to come to Boston as part of their prize.
Among MOTN attendees included
- Board Member, Chris Casagrande, Sea Sciences, Inc.
- Bruce Mangell, Woods Hole Group
- Maggie Merrill, Marine Marketing Services
- Mike Neville, Green Insurance Exchange
- Betsy Myers, Verrill Dana
- MOTN President, Harlan Doliner, Verrill Dana
- MOTN Program Chair, Morgan McCarthy

Thank you to Rebecca Owen of the U.S. Embassy in Reykajvik for reaching out to MOTN and organizing the Icelandic side of this event.
Want to Learn More About the Icelandic Marine Technology Industry and MOTN’s Future Involvement in this Area?
MOTN will be reprising a video conference about how to do business in the U.S. for Iceland ocean companies selected by our embassy. If any of you would like to participate, please let us know by reaching out at info@motn.org.